What's OALE's hotline and service time?

OALE hotline number is: +86-755-29030139, providing customers with consulting, after-sales service, complaints and other services. Service time: 9:30 to 18:30 from Monday to Saturday.

How to check the authenticity of mobile phones?

There are several ways to check the authenticity of mobile phones:
1. Contact the customer service hotline: +86-755-29030139 and make information inquiry according to the IMEI code;
2. Send an email to: oale@oale.cc, and conduct information query according to IMEI code.

How can I check my IMEI number?

Enter *#06# character in the dialing interface to inquire IMEI number.

How should I do if I forgot the lock screen password?

If you forget the lock screen password, you can only enter the system by clearing the data.The data can be cleared by swiping the mobile phone system. It is recommended that you take the phone to the authorized stores for helping.